System requirements

How Can We Help?

Hosting server requirements:

  • Open incoming connection Hosting 32bit (64bit recommended)
  • cURL libraries ver 7.58.0 and higher
  • PHP 8.0 or fresher
  • File size upload limit: min. 10MB.
  • RAM 128 MB or higher
  • PHP Max Execution time 30 seconds or more

Recommended hosting providers:

Ali2Woo plugin is supported by almost all popular hosting providers (a2Hosting, Godaddy, Hostgator, etc.)

Please, be informed that Ali2Woo plugin is compatible with WordPress Multisite Network, but you can use one purchase key for one domain only according with Envato Regular license terms.

Browser and extensions are not required but they can be very helpful

Google Chrome browser
Ali2Woo Google Chrome extension

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